Thursday, August 21, 2008

Woah! Big Mama!

Here is one of the last pictures I will take being pregnant with Cara. I feel like I have grown a ton over the last couple of weeks. I went to the Dr. earlier this week and I was 4 cm dilated now. So, if she does not come on her own, than I will be induced one week from today on the 28th. The end is in sight and I am so excited to have this baby and have my body back!

Also, this weekend I had my baby shower. I got lots of great stuff for Cara and it was fun to see friends. A big thanks to Heidi for throwing the shower for me!!


Steph and KO said...

Congrats! I'm sorry I missed it, but I was there in spirit, right? I hope everything goes well with the delivery. GOOD LUCK!

Erika said...

I love the Superman shirt too. :) Yay for being on the home stretch!

Anonymous said...

love to have my hand in your knickers feeling your clit and pu--y