Thursday, August 14, 2008

Is Labor coming soon???....and My Sick Little One.

Well, I went to my midwife for my weekly check-up and she says I am 3 cm dilated and 90% effaced. I was so excited, because I thought this meant labor would be coming anytime. Unfortunately, I could also stay at 3 cm for weeks to come. She said if the baby does not come on its own, then she would definately induce on the only two weeks to go at the very latest. Who knows, maybe Cara will surprise us. :-)

Last night was probably the worst night poor little Ethan has ever had....he went to sleep at 9pm and woke up at 11pm throwing up all over the place. He continued to throw up until around 2am and then the diarrhea started at 4am. Mommy and Ethan changed clothes numerous times and both his bed and our bed got stripped. I don't know how Andy was so lucky as to not get drenched by vomit, I was always the one in the line of fire.

I felt so bad for Ethan ....he was shaking and pale as a ghost. It is a good thing he is normally a healthy kid because I have a hard time when he gets sick. (I know it doesn't make any sense, since I am a nurse and deal with sickness all the time, but it is soo different when it is your child). We survived the night though and now he is taking a much needed nap...hopefully this is just a 24 hour bug!

Well, off to do some laundry (from our eventful night).


Erika said...

Oh! I'm so sorry! Getting thrown up on is the WORST! I hope he's all better now!

Good luck with your upcoming labor!

Steph and KO said...

I hope Cara comes sooner rather thatn later for your sake.
Poor Ethan...that stuff comes on sooo fast. I hope he's doing better now.

gretchen said...

oh gosh. That sounds awful like food poison or something. Poor baby. I must have missed something that you are going to a midwife. I need to read back and catch up. I was dilated to three for 4 weeks with all my babies except for Blake...but nothing a little caster oil won't fix!!! miss you and love you. It's almost time for baby cara!

Unknown said...

2 weeks or sooner HOW EXCITING! Good luck.