Monday, April 28, 2008

Laziness! or maybe just tired??

I have been a real slacker on the end of the day I am so tired that I don't even feel like getting on the computer, so I have not been keeping up with email, blogs, etc. I never felt this tired while pregnant with Ethan, so it is a little unexpected. My mom swears though, that with each pregnancy you become more and more tired. Maybe it is because you get busier and busier...who knows.

Ok, so here are some pics that we have taken recently..Enjoy.

One of Ethan's fav. new things to do is climb up on the table and throw all the fake fruit onto the floor...He climbs on anything and everything!!

Here are some pics of us at Texas Roadhouse on Andy's B-day.

Here is another pic. of my little one getting into trouble in mom's purse...about to eat my chapstick...but getting caught red-handed and knowing he is in trouble

Aftermath of eating dirt...need I say more.

We had a party at Aunt Deb's house on Saturday for Mimi and Papa to welcome them home. Here are some pics of that.

Lastly, here is my monthly belly 5 months. Definately a big change from last month!