Monday, April 21, 2008

Busy Week!!!

Last week was soo crazy....Although there was lots of fun things happening, I am glad it is over and life is back to normal! Here are some of our big events last week:

1. Doctor's Appt.-Good news, bleed is gone and I can be a normal pregnant woman!

2. Mimi and Papa came home from Africa. We are soo happy to have them home. Ethan took very well to them and they think he is the cutest little boy.

3. Andy's 29th B-day-April 17....only one year away from 30, man he is getting old. We went to our favorite restaurant "Texas Roadhouse" with the fam and I made his favorite dessert (which I will definately have to post).

4. Stake Relief Society Enrichment Day- From 9-3 I sat and listened to people talk and did absolutely nothing...that was nice! My mom was one of the speakers and did a very good job..most certainly the most entertaining.

Those were the biggest things, and then there were a thousand little tasks that I needed to complete. This week my "To Do list" is lots smaller. Thank Heavens!

I will post some pics of Andy's B-day this week.


Anonymous said...

It sure sounds like you had a busy week! Can you imagine what its going to be like when your little girl gets here too?